Gerhard Richter : Landscapes

Gerhard Richter pose dans ses peintures abstraites ou ses paysages et portraits, les limites de l’expressivité dans l’art. Autour du geste pictural, il redéfinit la peinture et le regard que pose le spectateur sur celle-ci.

— Éditeur(s) : Ostfildern, Hatje Cantz Verlag
— Année : 2002
— Format : 29,50 x 25 cm
— Illustrations : 63 dont 54 en couleurs
— Page(s) : 128
— Langue(s) : anglais
— ISBN : 3-7757-9101-9
— Prix : 24,80 €


Following his black and white photo-paintings based on magazine and amateur photographs, Richter’s landscapes have emerged since 1968 as an independent work group in his œuvre : black and white townscapes, mountain landscapes and park scenes, with hard, textured paint-surfaces, romantic seascapes and cloud scenes with the subtlest coloration and luminosity, landscapes that seem to dissolve before ones’ eyes, or which are overpainted in an abstract style — as in the color charts based on color sample cards or as in the gray paintings, which in turn also provide the clue to their meaning.
No other motif drew such intensity from Gerhard Richter nor occupied him over such a long period. With outstanding, large — scale illustrations this volume affords a unique insight into Richter’s landscape paintings, where landscape and abstraction are not opposed to each other, but emerge instead as related concepts in the painter’s appropriation of reality.


Gerhard Richter, born 1932 in Dresden. Studied painting in Dresden. 1961 moved to Düsseldorf, where he studied with Karl Otto Götz. 1971-1994 professorship at the Art Academy in Düsseldorf. 1983 moved to Cologne. 1988 « Kaiserring » from the City of Goslar.