Ars Nova

Anselm Reyle, artiste allemand, né en 1970, travaille sur la luminosité de la peinture. L’impression en couleurs fluorescentes rend hommage à son travail. Il nous parle avec les teintes des néons et des lampes électriques omniprésentes dans notre quotidien.

— Auteur : Anselm Reyle
— Éditeur : Éditions Jrp /Ringier, Zürich
— Année : 2006
— Format : 21 X 30 cm
— Illustrations : couleur
— Pages : 240
— Langues : anglais/allemand
— ISBN : 3-905701-68-5
— Prix : 60 €

Anselm Reyle makes paintings, but it is light in particular with which his paintings are concerned: especially the luminosity that all color generates, through pigments spread out on a canvas, in relation to electric light, pale and acid, from the lamps and neons of our modern societies. His found objects, kinds of readymades, function, therefore, like indices to apprehend the pictorial work as well.

It is in terms of a restoration and renewal of genres that the global Å“uvre of Anselm Reyle can be thought about: the phosphorescence of the paint, or that the repainted found objects give to the paint, understood as a problematic medium, induces a new confidence, surprising expectations and waking up the gaze.

English translation : Margot Ross
Traducciòn española : Maite Diaz Gonzalez